And the final rose should go to… Juan Pablo.

What do you get when you mix a good looking , womanizing , air head, douche-bag with an accent and a group of 20 year old brainless, “The Hills” talking, attractive C rated actresses? Anyone? C’mon, try to take a wild guess… Ok, I’ll tell you, its the new season of the Bachelor staring  Juan dick-bag Pablo and the cast of some typical ABC Family teenager girl show to sweat his sack.

Being an avid Bachelor watcher, this season takes the cake for the most annoying cast (both the Bachelor and his minions). Between watching him make out with every single girl one right after the other, his lack of emotional and mental connection and stupid personality, his looks are ALL he has! The girls, just as worse, are shallow, fake/plastic and talking like they are in a fairy-tale and envisioning their wedding day together and gushing on how much they want to spend their life with this random stranger ON DAY 1. I find it completely odd that these girls are comprised of pretty girls ranging from 22-30. This show is a sad joke. If ABC really wants to make a good season of The Bachelor, pick girls in the appropriate age group, normal looking not supermodels and a Bachelor who has a good reason why he wants to be the Bachelor (besides just getting laid from random girls in exotic “unrealistic” dating scenarios”. These 20 year old girls are hanging around, complaining, bitching each other out and just don’t have any exciting things to offer to this show , since at this point it is just for pure entertainment. Get the age groups and people that should be on this show on here so we can watch a nice romantic reality show with the possibility of a real romance between the two..

(Yes ABC I am available for the Bachelorette) haha.. no but, seriously.

I don’t think that there should be 20 year old girls eligible to be on the Bachelor. The original premise for this show was for the Bachelor to meet “the one” , develop a connection and take the plunge to get married. Maybe they should pick a group of girls in the age group (30’s , 40’s) that would be more fitting, and a more realistic outcome we as viewers deserve…. Thumbs down this season.


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