Monthly Archives: September 2016


Hello my friends both near and far! I’m back to blogging after quite some time. What’s new with me? Hmm.. Priscilla is still the most adorable pup (who happens to be sleeping next to me right now), I just turned 36, met the amazing Stephen Trask , my business is thriving strong in the US and Canada, have a flourishing thing going on in the love department that’s pretty promising and oh my biggest addiction? TWITTER!

So about a year and a half ago my life changed.My sister introduced me to hashtag games on Twitter! At first, I thought it was pretty cool for when I had the chance to play occasionally. My sister was very patient and a great teacher to show me how to play these games. I started by playing the hashtag game for the show @Midnight on Comedy Central where they release a hashtag 30 minutes before the show and give props on top tweets, They also select a winning tweet for each game and air it on the next nights show (I have had the winning tweet once so far!) . I now host my own game on Tuesdays at 3pm est and co-host a hashtag game with my sister every Sunday at 10am est sooo………

Yes, my name is Jillian and I am a hashtag game addict!

There are so many fun hashtag games always going on day and night. Through the hashtag community (@TheHashtagGame is a great leader in the hashtag community btw), I have met so many amazing people that I now call my friends.These people are not only fun to hashtag with, there is a lot you get to share and learn about these awesome people on a personal level. Hashtag games have been a great outlet and a fun break from work or life where I can tap into my creative/mildly funny part of my personality for the Twitterverse to see. There are some funny and genuinely amazing people I have met that I interact with now more often that some of my friends in real life. Hashtagging can be whatever you want to make of it, I find it brings laughter and unity for people across the world who like to participate and can also be used to help raise awareness for different causes. It allows me to show my unfiltered personality and you can also learn a lot about people you might have never connected with if it wasn’t for these games.

Be warned though, some people might not like your tweets,  or not realize your tweets are meant for a hashtag game (or just plain assholes) can be quite nasty. These are commonly known as Trolls.

So, if you have not played a hashtag game before, you can follow me on there @Pheramuse and I would be more than happy to help explain or answer any questions, always trying to help out because these hashtag games are fun and addicting!